Walk.Bike.Ohio. is the state’s first statewide plan for active modes of transportation.
Complete Streets Investment in a Virginia Small Town show how Multi-Modal Investments can Benefit Cities of all Sizes
In 2018, Hopewell adopted a Comprehensive Plan with miles of new biking and walking facilities. The plan includes a section calling out the benefits and importance of a complete, multi-modal transportation network.
ODOT's long-awaited Statewide Transportation Plan, Access Ohio 2045, released.
You can access the full report online or tune-in tomorrow on Twitter as our first #GOPCThread of 2021 will focus on the various aspects of the AO45 plan.
GOPC to Kick-Off 2021 with Public Policy Briefing Webinar on Legislative Priorities
NOACA Board of Directors adopts new criteria for funding highway interchanges focused on regional impacts and racial equity
Last week, the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) officially adopted a new policy to govern evaluations for new or modified highway interchange projects. The new policy dictates a deeper level of analysis for interchange projects, applying a regional lens to evaluate the costs and benefits of each projects. NOACA is the first MPO in the state to require this level of analysis for proposed highway interchange projects.
Partners Renew COTA C-Pass Program Funding Through 2025
#GOPCThread: Spooky Streets and the Threat they Pose to Communities Across Ohio
Pandemic could cause a change in transportation choices - are Ohio's streets ready?
Parks, multi-use trails, and neighborhood strolls have been an invaluable resource for many families and individuals feeling stir crazy after months of social distancing. COVID guidelines recommend leaving at least 6ft of space between yourself and others, a problem when most sidewalks are only 48in wide.