
The Downtown CPass: COTA’s Good Idea

The Downtown CPass: COTA’s Good Idea

Good Ideas is a repository of exemplary initiatives and programs happening in Ohio. This month we have highlighted Central Ohio Transit Authority’s Downtown CPass. The CPass program has been an innovative and effective way of encouraging alternative transportation, reducing parking needs, and increasing COTA’s ridership.

Spooky Street Designs Pose a Problem Year Round, Not Just at Halloween

Spooky Street Designs Pose a Problem Year Round, Not Just at Halloween

Skeletons, ghosts, and other things that go bump in the night; the month of October is full of scenes that call back to childhood fears and superstitions. Staff at GOPC are afraid of conventional things, like clowns and chainsaw killers, but few things keep the office up at night more than poorly designed streets.


Access Ohio to host second round of public meetings, seeks feedback on long-range transportation plan

Access Ohio to host second round of public meetings, seeks feedback on long-range transportation plan

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is hosting a series of 10 public meetings around the state to share with residents and other interested stakeholders details on ODOT’s update to Ohio's long-range transportation plan, called Access Ohio 2045.

Dangerous by Design Releases State-Specific Pedestrian Data

Dangerous by Design Releases State-Specific Pedestrian Data

Last January, GOPC provided an update on state counts of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities in 2017. New data shows between 2008 and 2017, drivers struck and killed 1,058 people walking in Ohio; the state has been ranked as the 26th most dangerous for people walking.

ODOT hosting stakeholder meetings as part of Active Transportation program

ODOT hosting stakeholder meetings as part of Active Transportation program

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is launching its first-ever pedestrian and bicycle policy plan — Walk.Bike.Ohio — to address growing interest in active transportation among Ohioans. This plan will guide active transportation policies and program investments in the state for years to come.