Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and a number of State Officer and State legislative positions are on the ballot this year. As Election Day approaches, we at GOPC have been thinking about a range of quality-of-life and redevelopment issues we think the next legislative body of the state should work to carry out.
Building Hope in Appalachia Ohio
GOPC Sponsors Table at OARC Gubernatorial Forum; Cordray, DeWine Address GOPC’s Policy Priorities
Earlier this month, GOPC was a table sponsor at the Gubernatorial Forum hosted by the The Ohio Association of Regional Councils (OARC). Speaking to a roomful of the state’s top political, business, and civic leaders, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and former Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray shared their campaign platforms related to transportation, infrastructure, job creation, and economic development.
Vision for Ohio's Reinvention Cities Receives Press Coverage Across Ohio
GOPC shares Insight on Reinvention Cities at Ball State Conference
The Real Story of Hamilton, OH
In his recent post on titled “Bribing People to Move to Your City”, blogger Aaron M. Renn discusses the Hamilton, Ohio’s incentive program to attract talent to their city. Unfortunately, it seems Mr. Renn did not take the time to properly understand the full context of this policy and in doing so misses the tremendous amount of work Hamilton’s leaders have put towards revitalizing their urban core and renewing the community’s economic prospects.
GOPC Tours Worcester, MA
Earlier this month, I had the honor of joining the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy’s board and senior staff on a day trip to Worcester. LILP has been a long-time partner of GOPC’s and most recently published Regenerating America’s Smaller Legacy Cities, a policy focus report written by Torey Hollingsworth and myself.
GOPC Launches Online Toolkit for Smaller Legacy City Revitalization
GOPC Presents at Eastgate Council of Governments Annual Meeting in Youngstown
Hollingsworth presented on GOPC’s research into revitalization opportunities for Ohio’s older industrial cities with smaller populations – like Youngstown and Warren. She focused in on two factors that GOPC’s research has shown makes the biggest difference for revitalization in these places: strong civic infrastructure and quality of place.