So Long! Farewell!!

I have learned and experienced so much during the four years that I have been a part of the Greater Ohio Policy Center, moving from Project Associate to Research Associate up to my last role as Project Manager. My time here has been extraordinary and has given me a well of practical experience from which to draw not only in my next steps, but throughout the rest of my career. 

I have gotten to meet with local leaders and see firsthand the remarkable work happening in Ohio’s legacy cities, and have been lucky to support that work through GOPC’s original research and peer-networking. Speaking of peer-networking, stewarding the Ohio Affordable Housing Learning Exchange was probably the best part of my job, thanks to all of the members that made it so special. It has been fulfilling to be part of an organization that accomplishes incredible feats like influencing record levels of support for transit in 2019, or securing significant investment in brownfield sites this past year. Neither of these moves would have been possible without the work of GOPC and the tireless advocacy of my colleagues Jason Warner and Aaron Clapper.

I will always be grateful to GOPC for giving me my first “big person” job. Working alongside my coworkers these last four years has been a professional as well as personal delight. I know the organization and the people that power it will continue to do amazing things for the communities of Ohio. As our Executive Director Alison always says, onward!