#GOPCThread: Principles & Resources for Local Leaders & Communities Utilizing ARPA Funds

This weeks #GOPCThread is focused on GOPC’s recently published guidance and principals for communities when planning uses for American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) funding, which was released by the U.S. Department of the Treasury earlier this week.

Not on Twitter, the thread is available online , as well as below.

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This week’s #GOPCThread is about principles and resources local leaders and communities can utilize as they start to think about deploying their local allocation under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 #ARP

We know that leaders and communities have been thinking about how to use their #ARP dollars since allocations were announced. Some places have released preliminary lists, others have convened advisory committees. #GOPCThread

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Other places may be feeling less organized. And that’s okay! Cities have until 12/31/2024 to spend their funds. Half of their allocations came in this week; the other half will come in May 2022. Don’t feel pressure to allocate it all at once. #GOPCThread

GOPC has been studying legacy city recovery since our founding. There are lessons from the 2009 stimulus bill (in response to the Great Recession) and revitalization, more broadly, that can help legacy cities wisely use #ARP funds. #GOPCThread

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Those places that have a plan for regeneration typically keep plowing along on their plans, plugging in new (federal) money to reach goals faster. Sometimes the activities or tactics change, but the vision and overall strategy doesn’t. #GOPCThread

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Some places may not have a current comprehensive plan or master plan. There’s no time like the present to define community priorities. Spending 2-4 months today defining priorities will maximize $$ in the long run. #GOPCThread 

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Look at existing plans; reflect on ongoing community concerns and conversations. Get cross-sector input, get input from people of color, people living in poverty, New Americans, and other historically marginalized neighbors #GOPCThread

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There’s a lot of money flowing to our communities, but it will never be enough. As @bruce_katz & collaborators say, focus on 3-5 priorities and focus on doing them well. #GOPCThread

From Federal Sources to Local Uses: Maximizing the American Rescue Plan from the Ground Up | The New Localism (click image for link)

From Federal Sources to Local Uses: Maximizing the American Rescue Plan from the Ground Up | The New Localism (click image for link)

Focusing on 3-5 priorities might mean that funding every city council member’s top 3 pet projects may not be the most coordinated or strategic deployment of funds. #GOPCThread

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Think about how ARP can begin to rectify inequities. Think concretely. @elundgard offered a great set of policies + programs to strengthen housing protections & options, esp. for vulnerable Clevelanders, who are disproportionately people or color &/or poor. #GOPCThread

Invest in programs that become self-sustaining. Have appraisal gap issues with downtown real estate? Create a local revolving loan fund. Check out @CDFA_Update & @NatlDevCouncil for help + ideas on creating self-sustaining tools using #ARP #GOPCThread

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Plan to spend some #ARP funds immediately. Invest in shovel-ready projects or high-performing programs that are already operating. Pick projects or programs that support what is likely to become a strategic community priority.  #GOPCThread

But focus the bulk of the local allocation on a few clear priorities, don’t spread things too thin. We know from neighborhood revitalization work that making deep investments tips n’hoods back to health. This principle applies to any initiative. #ARP #GOPCThread

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GOPC has a Resource Directory that compiles information and expert advice for utilizing. We’ll be updating it as regulations and best practices emerge. Check the page frequently! #ARP #GOPCThread

American Rescue & Recovery Plan Act of 2021 | Greater Ohio Policy Center (click image for link)

American Rescue & Recovery Plan Act of 2021 | Greater Ohio Policy Center (click image for link)