#GOPCThread: Smart Growth America Equity Summit: Key Takeaways from Prepare, Prioritize & Promote Panel

This weeks #GOPCThread reviews on of the recent panel discussions which took place during last week’s Smart Growth America Equity Summit.

Not on Twitter, the thread is available online , as well as below.

Greater Ohio Policy Center Read on Twitter

Last week, @SmartGrowthUSA hosted a virtual Equity Summit to convene experts, practitioners, & policymakers to discuss how to improve racial equity. This thread includes key takeaways & resources from their Prepare, Prioritize & Promote panel. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

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The panel discussion specifically focused on how supporting Black & Brown businesses is key to smart growth. “Equity is stimulus. If you want to grow the economy, if you want to improve conditions, build equity.” @andreperryedu #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Key Stats: In the US, 28% of our population is Black & Brown, but only 8% of businesses are. It is important to close that gap. In doing so, we will not only further racial equity but also help our economy. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Suggested reading: The Color of Law - R. Rothstein, Caste - @Isabelwilkerson, Right of Way - @schmangee, Know Your Price - @andreperryedu, Suburban Nation - @andres_duany, Plater-Zyberk, @JeffSpeckFAICP, The Color of Money & How the Other Half Banks - @MehrsaBaradaran #GOPCThread

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@ECDI provides micro-business loans to entrepreneurs, with a dedicated focus on helping grow and sustain more Black, Brown, and immigrant-owned businesses in Ohio #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Supporting Black & Brown businesses helps retain a places’ vibrancy & authenticity. We must encourage mixed-use environments & have intentional anti-displacement measures because when businesses are displaced, culture & communities lose uniqueness. #SmartGrowthEquity GOPCThread

A number of #CDFIs in #Ohio are contributing expertise and making loans throughout the state to ensure businesses and real estate work hand-in-hand to help Black & Brown communities sustain and thrive #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Ohio CDFI Network | www.ohiocdfis.org (click image for link)

Ohio CDFI Network | www.ohiocdfis.org (click image for link)

Equity won’t happen without intentionally calling out race in policies, programs, & investments. Black & Brown businesses face greater barriers to success; they have systemically been denied resources & negatively impacted by anti-black legislation. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

One example from #OH: Cincinnati-based leaders are currently working together to figure out how best to support black & brown businesses by creating new financing products, building vibrant commercial corridors, and expanding mentorship programs

Cincinnati is a Model for How to Build Minority-Owned Businesses | Soapbox Cincinnati                                                   (click image for link)

Cincinnati is a Model for How to Build Minority-Owned Businesses | Soapbox Cincinnati (click image for link)

Disparities make equity (not equality or neutral policies) important. Legislation must consider impacts on race. If policies are not targeted, communities that don’t need resources or even ask for them will benefit, rather than those that do. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Check out DC’s Racial Equity Achieves Results Act, which includes conducting Racial Equity Impact Assessments for Council legislation to look at policies through a racial equity lens: @kenyanmcduffie #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

The REACH Act - The Racial Equity Achieves Results Act of 2020 (click image for link)

The REACH Act - The Racial Equity Achieves Results Act of 2020 (click image for link)

Investments flow into opportunity zones, but the full extent of their social outcomes is not understood. @SmartGrowthUSA specifically investigated their impact on minority- & legacy-businesses & provided recommendations for improvement #GOPCThread

Unrealized Gains: Opportunity Zones and Small Businesses | Smart Growth America (click image for link)

Unrealized Gains: Opportunity Zones and Small Businesses | Smart Growth America (click image for link)

Furthering racial equity does not stop at adopting anti-racist policies; bold leadership with the political will to move the needle is also needed. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

The problem is multi-faceted. Anchor institutions must be a good neighbor, investors can consider community benefits agreements, & equity advocates need relationships with developers & policymakers. Dialogue & accountability is necessary across sectors. #GOPCThread

Racial equity should be embedded in our processes; build the infrastructure and benchmarks to understand how we are getting there. Planners should include racial equity in their communities’ comprehensive plans. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Governments and larger organizations should partner with local, front line organizations to give them the tools to have their own agency—helping them implement what they’ve decided works and expanding their capacity through partnership. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Policymakers can send out newsletters & other outreach to communicate their key priorities—giving people an early opportunity to reach out about what they’re already doing, what works and what doesn’t, and what they can do to help. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Local governments can target specific commercial corridors & adjacent housing for investment—creating incubators, turning public buildings into places for commerce, & using zoning to ensure projects positively impact the neighborhood. #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

Looking for additional actionable data & strategies to advance racial equity and shared prosperity? Check out the National Equity Atlas: #SmartGrowthEquity #GOPCThread

National Equity Atlas (click image for link)

National Equity Atlas (click image for link)