Legacy Cities

Michigan’s Redevelopment Ready Communities: a Smart, Sustainable Way for Municipal Redevelopment

Michigan’s Redevelopment Ready Communities: a Smart, Sustainable Way for Municipal Redevelopment

Redevelopment Ready Communities is a no-cost, technical assistance, statewide certification program that is open to all Michigan communities. The goal of the program is to help municipalities become development ready and economically competitive, “arming” cities with streamlined, efficient development processes and well-planned strategies for attracting redevelopment.

Ohio’s Small Legacy Cities Win National Award for Excellence in Small Town and Rural Planning

Ohio’s Small Legacy Cities Win National Award for Excellence in Small Town and Rural Planning

The Network works to advocate for shared policy goals and to promote learning among cities statewide. Stewarded by the Greater Ohio Policy Center, RCN actively works to identify, develop, and advocate for policies that support small legacy city revitalization and help communities transition to be fully competitive in the 21st Century economy.

Vermont Designation Programs a Popular Tool for Comprehensive District Redevelopment

Vermont Designation Programs a Popular Tool for Comprehensive District Redevelopment

Jumpstarting development is a perennial struggle for legacy cities all over the country. Some communities lack the training and technical assistance know-how to tap into existing resources, some lack financial capital to incentivize development, and some simply don’t know where to start work in their communities.

Census Deadline is Fast Approaching, Completion Date Now September 30

Census Deadline is Fast Approaching, Completion Date Now September 30

Back in March, we wrote about how the 2020 Census would be one of the most critical decennial counts in a generation, not just because of the apportionment of congressional representation, but also in determining how to allocate billions of dollars in federal funding that flows into states and communities each year.

TDI demonstrates a state-level initiative to spur development to Massachusetts’ most distressed communities.

TDI demonstrates a state-level initiative to spur development to Massachusetts’ most distressed communities.

MassDevelopment, the finance and development authority for the State of Massachusetts, launched the Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) to catalyze significant private investment and neighborhood redevelopment in downtowns and other walkable urban districts.

A Closer Look at Workforce in Ohio's Legacy Cities

A Closer Look at Workforce in Ohio's Legacy Cities

Ohio’s municipalities primarily rely on income tax to fund their operations and services. The tax is collected by the jurisdiction in which the worker works, not where they reside. In the work-from-home (WFH) environment, the questions have become, “where do these workers work?” and “which jurisdiction gets their income tax?”