The roundtables provide communities with peer learning and networking opportunities, and allow for community leaders to experience revitalization efforts underway in a peer city “hands on.”
While more often than not, the issues discussed on the campaign trail focus on policies that affect individuals, candidates now are being confronted with addressing the often-overlooked challenge of addressing economic disparities not just among people, but also the economic disparities of places.
Earlier this week, GOPC attended the JobsOhio board meeting along with 100+ other economic development professionals and interested parties. During the open board meeting, JobsOhio CEO, J.P. Nauseef, outlined JobsOhio’s Strategy, “2.0,” which he described as an “enhancement and addition to 1.0.”
This suggests that there is still interest in living in big cities, just cities with more affordable living options than those available in cities like New York and Chicago.
Communities – especially Ohio’s weaker market and smaller communities – must be prepared to “make their case” to secure funds for catalytic projects in their community.
Communities – especially Ohio’s weaker market and smaller communities – must be prepared to “make their case” to secure funds for catalytic projects in their community.
Ohio State Resource Network (OSRN) invites you to join a short information session to learn more about multi-year financial planning on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 at 11am.
GOPC’s analysis provides community leaders with an in-depth assessment of the market-rate and affordable housing markets in the city, and recommends policies and strategies that can strengthen Springfield’s housing market.
Greater Ohio has given me a look into what it takes to create real change on the ground-level and the staff has inspired me with their commitment to improving the state we all call home.