Greater Ohio Policy Center

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Letter to Governor DeWine Requesting Line Item Veto in House Bill 166

Governor DeWine:

The conference committee on House Bill 166 has elected to restore a dangerous provision in the budget (TAXCD58 on the LSC comparison document) which incentivizes urban and suburban sprawl at a time when we should instead be supporting infill and density development.

Previously inserted in the budget by the House, the Ohio Senate had removed this language from the budget. The conference committee voted last night to restore this provision in the bill. This budget provision which would treat property owned by residential housing developers differently than other property by freezing the taxes for up to three years or until the sexennial reappraisal is completed or until construction begins, or the property is sold.

Greater Ohio does not object to any community that deliberately chooses to enter into agreements similar to those enacted in the budget.  However, we disagreed with such a provision as a state mandate. This mandate will undercut the redevelopment plans of many Ohio communities. Greater Ohio strongly encourages you to exercise your line item veto authority and disallow this language from become law as a part of House Bill 166.

Similar legislation, House Bill 149, is still pending in the House Economic and Workforce Development Committee. To date, that bill has only received two hearings, with no opportunity for opponents to offer testimony. It is imperative that lawmakers provide an opportunity for all sides to have an opportunity to express their position on this proposal by conducting full, thorough and complete legislative hearings. The only way to ensure that happens is for you to veto the language and allow the legislative process to run its course.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

With regards,

Jason Warner

Manager of Government Affairs, Greater Ohio Policy Center