Greater Ohio Policy Center Statement on the Introduction of the State Budget for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025

For Immediate Release Contact: Jason Warner, Director of Strategic Engagement 614.224.0187 or

Following the announcement by Governor Mike DeWine on January 31, 2023, Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) released the following statement in reaction to the introduction of the state's Main Operating and Transportation Budgets for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025.

"We are pleased that the Administration has proposed level funding for public transportation over the next two years" said Alison Goebel, Executive Director at the Greater Ohio Policy Center. "Everyone benefits from a robust, multi-modal system of transportation that safely serves all Ohioans," Goebel said.

Jason Warner, Director of Strategic Engagement for GOPC said, "We look forward to working with lawmakers over the next several weeks to continue to grow this support. Additional investments in public transportation will help workers connect to jobs, allow elderly and disabled riders to access needed services, and reduce wear and tear on Ohio's roadways.”

GOPC looks forward to learning more about the Governor’s proposed Innovation Hubs and the large economic development sites associated with the proposed All Ohio Fund. “We will encourage policymakers to make sure these locations are accessible to all Ohioans, including those without access to a passenger vehicle," said Warner.

"At the same time, we are extremely disappointed that it appears that the administration is not prioritizing investment in brownfield remediation, and residential and commercial demolition," Goebel said.

The Brownfield Remediation Fund and the Building Demolition and Site Revitalization Programs, which were created in 2021, invested nearly $500 million in 87 of Ohio's 88 counties to identify, remediate, and redevelop blighted properties across Ohio.

Through the Brownfield Remediation Fund,125 sites received grants to assess the level and type of environmental contamination present. “Over half of these assessment dollars were awarded in counties with less than 70,000 residents,” noted Warner.

“The programs were oversubscribed, and many more problematic sites remain, holding back redevelopment," Goebel said.

"Remediating Ohio’s brownfields will create shovel-ready economic development projects across the state and is key to ensuring that Ohio's left- behind communities have the opportunity to compete for jobs and economic growth," Warner said.

Earlier this month, GOPC shared with Ohio lawmakers their budget priorities for 2023. In addition to brownfields and public transit support, GOPC is championing investment in active transportation by proposing to double investment in the Safe Routes to Schools Program.

GOPC is also recommending the creation of a pilot program to assist local governments in updating zoning codes to aid in the development of new housing, neighborhood commercial districts, and other improvements that help unify the feel of a neighborhood or district.

In addition to the priorities outlined above, we are also looking forward to working with the legislature and the Administration on the Governor's proposals related to addressing the affordable housing crisis in Ohio. The administration's proposal is an important first step in this process and we are eager to see the evolution of this policy as the legislature begins its work on the budget.

The full list of policy priorities are available on our website, or the pdf documents above.

"We look forward to working with the Ohio General Assembly to ensure that Ohio is investing in these important programs which will continue to make it the ideal place to live, work, and raise a family" said Warner. "Ohio's lawmakers have championed these investments in the past, and we trust they will prioritize these investments for Ohio's future."


About Greater Ohio Policy Center

Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization with a mission to improve Ohio’s communities through smart growth strategies and research. Our vision is a revitalized Ohio. We undertake original research and analysis, develop pragmatic policy recommendations and advocacy strategies, and deploy our convening power to meet the needs of Ohio’s local change-makers. We operate statewide.